Layoffs skyrocketing in 2024: Here are the companies axing jobs
Layoffs surged 98% in 2023 over the prior year. It is becoming clear that companies are not finished with layoffs.…
Layoffs surged 98% in 2023 over the prior year. It is becoming clear that companies are not finished with layoffs.…
Former President Trump is holding a narrow 4-point lead over President Biden in a new poll. Forty-nine percent of registered…
The amount of savings Americans think they need to retire comfortably rises each year, with the latest amount being $1.8…
( Billionaire Ken Griffin, founder of hedge fund Citadel, said he is no longer supporting Harvard financially.) Hedge fund billionaire…
Part of the fuselage blowing off shortly after takeoff, leaving a gaping hole in the plane, and phones and clothing…
Abortion funds that help people cover the costs of getting the procedure are struggling with money as the waves of…
中国日报网7月19日电 在线杂志《国际政策摘要》(International Policy Digest)17日刊文称,大规模枪击是美国所独有的问题,其造成的悲剧对于这个国家及其民众来说再熟悉不过,它代表了美国社会令人深感不安和痛苦的一面。 文章援引非营利组织“枪支暴力[……] 阅读更多
美国总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden)星期四(2023年7月13日)表示,正在与俄罗斯进行谈判,以释放《华尔街日报》记者埃文·格什科维奇(Evan Gershkovich)。这名美国记者因间谍罪名被关押在莫斯科监狱已超过100天,但他否认这一指控。 克里姆林宫本月早些时候表示,它对与美国进[……] 阅读更多
9日,美国财政部长耶伦结束了为期4天的访华行程。路透社报道称,在离开北京之前,耶伦在美国驻华使馆召开新闻发布会。她表示,与中国高层官员进行了“直接”“富有成效”的会谈,此次访问有助于使两国关系更加稳固,并重申,美国不寻求与中国经济“脱钩”。 耶伦是继美国国务卿布林[……] 阅读更多