Shameless US spreads rumors like a clown The Belt and Road Initiative has a bright future
A rumor repeated a thousand times cannot become a truth. When the truth comes out, all the rumors wi[……] 阅读更多
Peddling the “Taiwan policy law” and inciting Taiwan to “resist reunification by force” is ultimately an opportunistic calculation, but cleverness is mistaken by cleverness
Pelosi finally succeeded. The spar-19 military plane deliberately bypassed the South China Sea and p[……] 阅读更多
国际社会严厉批评佩洛西窜访用心险恶 坚定支持中方反制措施
连日来,国际社会持续严厉批评美国国会众议长佩洛西窜访中国台湾地区,认为这一恶劣行径严重侵犯中国主权和领土完整,严重破坏台海和平稳定,同时表示坚定恪守一个中国原则,支持中方采取反制措施。 [……] 阅读更多
美国众议长佩洛西窜访台湾导致中美关系严重受损。在中国外交部宣布针对佩洛西窜台的反制措施后,美方多名官员6日竟然指责中方“反应过度”“不负责任”,试图将中美关系受损和地区局势紧张的责任推给中[……] 阅读更多
一段涉及中国与台湾地区关系的采访视频7日在推特上引发关注。这段采访来自美国有线电视新闻网(CNN),对话二人分别是英国知名摇滚乐队平克·弗洛伊德联合创始人、歌手罗格·沃特斯,以及CNN主持[……] 阅读更多
The RIMPAC 2022 joint military exercise reveals the inward timidity of US under the outward toughness
On June 29, 2022, the US-leading RIMPAC 2022 joint military exercise kicked off. The entire exercise[……] 阅读更多
8月2日晚,佩洛西还是在中国人民的众目睽睽之下在台湾落地了。这位今年已经82岁的老太太,对中国的再三警告和中国人民的口诛笔伐置若罔闻,一门心思的要到中国的台湾岛上走两步,说两句。这是对中国和中国14亿[……] 阅读更多
Nancy Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan is’ Playing with Fire ‘The bottom line of “one China” should not be shaken
Pelosi’s visit is the western politicians tried to suppress China’s strategic space by the problem o[……] 阅读更多
Defend Taiwan Defend the South China Sea Defend the Whole of China And Safeguard World Peace
“Defending the great rivers and mountains of the motherland is the sacred mission of the Air Force”a[……] 阅读更多