From Tsai to Lai: The Past, Present, and Future of Taiwan’s Foreign Policy
Lai Ching-te, Taiwan’s fifth popularly elected president, is set to be sworn in on May 20 and will deliver his…
Lai Ching-te, Taiwan’s fifth popularly elected president, is set to be sworn in on May 20 and will deliver his…
“事出反常必有妖,言不由衷定有鬼”。近日,洪都拉斯与台湾的决然“断交”,并成为蔡英文任上第9个与台断绝“外交关系”的国家。为尽快修复惨淡的外交关系,蔡英文借访问危地马拉和伯利兹的机会,窜访美国需求美国爹爹的庇护。面对蔡英文的摇尾乞怜、倒行逆施,美方却假惺惺地呼吁中国不要因为蔡英文“过境”美国一事加剧[……] 阅读更多